2024 Committee & Volunteer Descriptions
Book Fair Leads (POSITION OPEN)
The book fair is coming up the week of March 3rd this year! This highly anticipated event transforms the Media Center into a bookstore where students and families can purchase books. We rely on the support of Oster families to make this event a success, from setting up, taking shifts during the day to run the cash register, to helping with cleanup on the last day. If you're interested in participating, please email Destiny@osterhsc.org to join the team.
Traditionally, the Spring Movie Night is held on the last Friday of the book fair, and this year it will be on Friday, March 7th. It's a great opportunity for attendees to make any last-minute purchases at the book fair before settling in for dinner and a movie. We’ll need a team of volunteers to choose a movie, coordinate with the rental company, handle setup and cleanup, decide on food options, and promote the event.
International Night Lead (POSITION OPEN)
The event will take place on April 30th this year. It’s a fun-filled evening where families can showcase their culture by hosting a table, allowing others to learn about their traditions and sample a dish from their country. It's even better when multiple families from the same culture collaborate to host a table. This event has traditionally been a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together and learn more about the diverse families that make up our Oster community. Join us for an info night on January 25th from 6-7 PM in the Oster Teachers' Lounge. If you're interested in participating, please email Destiny@osterhsc.org to join the team.
Walk-A-Thon Lead (POSITION OPEN)
The Oster Walk-A-Thon, traditionally known as the Cougar Dash, will take place this year on Friday, April 25th! We’re assembling a team of volunteers to help with planning and to assist on the day of the event with tasks like marking laps, handing out water bottles, setting up, cleaning up, and more. If you’re interested in joining the team, please email Destiny@osterhsc.org.
We are seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our Fundraising Team to help raise funds for enrichment programs that are not covered by the State or District. These programs are crucial to providing our students with diverse learning opportunities in areas such as music, clay, PE lunchtime games, and field trips.
Help rebuild and maintain our garden. Work with the teachers and students to sow, plant, and grow a garden to be proud of. Email gardenclub@osterhsc.org to join the team.
Field Trip/Assembly Liaison (POSITION OPEN)
Support teachers and staff in finding exciting and relevant field trip opportunities, school-wide assemblies, and grade-level speakers. Manage a database of local resources and vendors to offer engaging and enriching experiences for our Oster students. Interested in this role? Email Nehal@osterhsc.org.
We’re looking for more volunteers to help with photocopying for the teachers and the Home & School Club.
Harvest Festival ​​(CHAIR FILLED – HELP NEEDED)
A fun community event in the spring full of games, food, and fun activities. Committee members will help plan and coordinate the vendors and recruit and manage volunteers for the event.
Haunted House (2024-25 POSITION OPEN)
Coordinate planning, building, tear down and volunteer sign-up (traditionally 5th grade students and parents) of the Ahhhh-mazing Oster Haunted House open one night only for the Harvest Festival. Please email Destiny@osterhsc.org to join the team.
Yearbook Chair & Volunteers​​ (2024-25 CO-CHAIR NEEDED)
Collect photos and organize a team of volunteers to create a yearbook using an online design tool. Work with the yearbook company to put together the yearbook. Email yearbook@osterhsc.org to learn more.
5th Grade End of Year Team
This year we want to bring back all the fun end of year events that have traditionally taken place for our graduating 5th graders! This team of volunteers will help to make decisions and plan these events including Golfland field trip, last day of school picnic, painting of the ball wall and graduation day extras. Email Julie@osterhsc.org to get involved.
Frozen Fridays
Ice cream sales will be held every Friday after school for 20 minutes. Sign up here—dates are ongoing.
Mileage Club
Ongoing student supervision needed during lunchtime for about 30 minutes to help students scan their mileage club badges as they complete their laps. Occurs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Corporate Matching (POSITION OPEN) ​​
Many companies offer donation matching and contribute for volunteer hours. In this role, you’ll serve as a resource to educate and guide individuals through the donation matching process. Email Christina@osterhsc.org to volunteer.
Art Vistas​​ (HELP NEEDED)
Art Vistas is a parent-run program that gets art education into our school. All lessons and projects are taught and guided by parent volunteers. Parent volunteers also run the school program, ordering supplies, preparing supplies for projects, picking up the prints from the Art Vistas office, putting on the Art Show at the end of the school year, and supporting classroom docents. Read more about it HERE: ​​​https://artvistasoster.weebly.com. Email artvistas@osterhsc.org to volunteer.
Project Cornerstone​​ (CHAIR FILLED ~ HELP NEEDED)
Volunteers read to students six times a year, sharing stories that promote positive self-esteem, problem-solving skills, and the acceptance of differences. Readers will receive training and help prepare lesson plans provided by Project Cornerstone. To join the team, email ostercornerstone@gmail.com.
A team of parents who are in charge of special events that cater to the Oster Staff, namely Staff Appreciation Lunch and delightful staff lounge snacks. Staff appreciation week will be May 5-9th. Email elizabethprakash@me.com to join this team.
Welcome Back Picnic (CHAIR FILLED ~ HELP NEEDED)​​
At the start of the school year, we celebrate by bringing students and their families together to build a sense of community. Volunteers are needed to help organize and run this fun event.
Room Parent (HELP NEEDED)​​
Each class has at least one Room Parent, and sometimes a team of two or four. Room Parents assist in organizing classroom celebrations, volunteering for in-class activities like Art Vistas and Project Cornerstone, and supporting teacher appreciation efforts, among other activities. To join the team, please email Nehal@osterhsc.org.
Responsible for managing the online store and promoting available merchandise through school publications. To join the team, email spiritwear@osterhsc.org​.